
5 Faith-Sabotaging Thoughts

24 Jun , 2018 Blog/Teaching

5 Faith-Sabotaging Thoughts

How do you stand firm in battle when you’re just angry? When you feel misunderstood? Alone? How do you stand strong when it seems God has left you behind? When your prayers – still haven’t been answered? I don’t have all the answers. But, I will say I’ve been there, in shoes that ask these […]

5 Ways to Fight Suicidal Thoughts

24 Jun , 2018 Blog/Teaching

5 Ways to Fight Suicidal Thoughts

he world lost two incredibly talented and accomplished people to suicide last week, designer Kate Spade and traveling chef/TV host Anthony Bourdain. It’s a sad story that keeps playing out; successful, yet anguished artists who end their lives; icons like Hemingway, Monroe, Cobain, Williams, and too many more. The deaths of these influential people sometimes even cause spikes that phycologists […]

When Your Dad Isn’t Perfect

24 Jun , 2018 Blog/Teaching

When Your Dad Isn’t Perfect

“… you honor your sons more than Me…” (1 Samuel 2:29). Eli was an indulgent father, and God held him accountable for it. “O Absalom, my son. My son, my son Absalom. Would God I had died in your place! O Absalom, my son, my son” (2 Samuel 18:33). David could be a wonderful father at times and […]